On May 25, 2022, the Center for Legal Research and Analysis promoted the start of the second cycle of the web portal Justice Observers, in front of the students of the Faculty of Law ,,Iustinianus Primus” at the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, students at ,,Goce Delchev University”, and students at the ,,South East European University”, in order to highlight the crucial aspects of the analysis of domestic and foreign verdicts, emphasizing good practices in the justice process, as well as the benefits from the entire analysis cycle.
The Program Manager of CLRA, Mr. Nikola Jovanovski expressed satisfaction and gratitude to all pаrticipants for the launch of the second cycle of the web portal Justice Observers, pointing out that the process of analysis of domestic and foreign judgments will provide comprehensive insight into the legal reasoning of domestic and foreign courts.
Mr. Aleksandar Godzo, a lawyer and legal expert in the first cycle of the Justice Observers portal, stated that the creation of the portal indicates the possibility for analysis of domestic and foreign judgments, while giving a general formal-material review, after their enforcement and legality, approaching in an objective and impartial manner.
The activity was realized within the program ,,Supporting the quality and accountability in the Macedonian justice sector”, supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and implemented by the Center for Legal Research and Analysis.
Attached is the link from the web portal Justice Observers: