On the 7th of February the First national report of the Matrix for monitoring the performance of Public prosecution of the Republic of North Macedonia was presented.
The national report was presented in hotel Gardenija, Veles in front of the representatives from the Public Prosecutor’s Council, the Public Prosecutor’s Office as well as the Ministry of justice of Republic of North Macedonia.
The National report derives directly from the first official implementation of the Matrix which was conducted in December 2019. Although the focus of this research was primarily on the public prosecution system as a whole, the research also included a large number of stake holders (target groups) that are part of the work of prosecution and whose perceptions make a significant contribution towards building more real point of view of the stimulation and the performance of the public prosecution in general.
The report is one of the main products with in the project “Increased efficiency and effectiveness in delivering justice by improving the performance of judicial institutions”.
This project is implemented by the Center for legal research and analysis-CPIA and PwC North Macedonia, funded by UK aid through the Government of the United Kingdom and aims to design and put into practice relevant tools for support to the reform processes in order to build more efficient, effective and cost-effective access to justice for citizens and as a result of this, the confidence in judicial institutions to be improved.