The Center for Legal Research and Analysis, in cooperation with the Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors, in the period from June 7 to 9, 2022, at the Ramada Plaza Hotel, in Gevgelija, organized a meeting between the four appeal courts and the Supreme Court of the Republic of North Macedonia, with the aim of more detailed consideration of the legal issues from the criminal and civil area that have appeared in the judicial practice of the appeal courts, in order to harmonize the judicial practice of the Republic of North Macedonia.
At the beginning of the working meeting, the President of the Supreme Court, Judge Besa Ademi, Program Manager at CPIA Zharko Hadji-Zafirov and Judge Slavica Mirkovska from the Appellate Court Bitola, as the official host of the working meeting, who also presided as moderator of the working meeting of the civil department, gave a welcoming speech.
The participants were provided with the proposed disputed legal issues that were previously submitted for consideration to the civil and criminal departments of the appellate courts through the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors Pavel Shatev Skopje.
At the meeting, the work was done in such a way that first of all the representatives of the appeal courts were divided into two working groups, the civil and the criminal department, within which, each court that proposed the disputed issue gave a ruling on the same, and then the departments of the other appeal courts expressed their views and conclusions.
The meeting opened a broad discussion between all the representatives of the courts, enabling the drawing of specific conclusions that are in the direction of harmonizing the judicial practice in the Republic of North Macedonia.