Training of The commissions for inspection and evaluation on judges

The implementation of The methodology for assessment on judge’s work on basis of fulfillment on qualitative criteria for judicial performance continue with training of judges who are members of commissions formed by Judicial Council of Republic of North Macedonia. The training was conducted in cooperation with The Center for Legal Research and Analysis, and also it was attended by the judges from The Appellate court Skopje, the Appellate Court court Gostivar, the Appellate Court court Stip, judges from The Higher Administrative Court and judges from The Supreme Court of Republic of North Macedonia. These judges will conduct the special evaluation on the judges candidates for promotion to a higher court, i.e. they will select and score the candidates who have applied for the announcements of the Judicial Council.

The methodology for qualitative evaluation of judges is a new model of evaluation in which the basic criterion in the evaluation is the quality of court proceedings, which further indicates increasing in the independence of judges in terms of evaluating their work, having in mind that the evaluation will not be done by the Judicial Council as before, but the judges themselves will perform the quality performance checks of each judge. The part of the Methodology related to the selection of 5 random cases is incorporated in the ACCMIS system, while the other 5 cases for evaluation by the commissions will be proposed by the specific evaluated judge.

Each of the ten cases will be evaluated separately by each member of the evaluation commission, in order to form a summary final evaluation of the work of the evaluated judge. This legal novelty allows all elements related to the work of the judiciary to be taken into account and the evaluation to be conducted on the basis of objective criteria.

The above will contribute to the improvement of the real evaluation of judges, with the idea of ​​improving the independence, objectivity and responsibility in the Macedonian judiciary.

Gorica Nadjinska