The Blueprint Group for Judicial Reforms believes that the decision of the members of the Judicial Council of the RNM who resigned from their position is in the right direction and corresponds to the previous reaction of the Blueprint group, and we sincerely hope that other members will follow this step.

As a group, we have been following the work of the RNM Judicial Council for a long time. We believe that compliance with the law during the day-to-day operation of an institution should be imperative in its operation. Those standards should especially refer to the Judicial Council of the RNM, which ensures and guarantees the autonomy and independence of the judiciary in accordance with the Constitution of the RNM, guaranteeing the legality of the proceedings and the rule of law. We believe that the only way to restore trust and preserve the integrity of the Judicial Council is the election of a new composition of members elected in a legal and transparent procedure. The new members of the SSRSM who will be elected from among the judges must be judges with integrity and possess high moral and ethical qualities. In particular, we highlight the need for the candidates for members elected by the Assembly of the RNM to come from the ranks of prominent lawyers who have proven long-term experience in the work, are recognized in the legal profession and for whom there is no basis for doubt about their political or personal connection with current or former holders of public and political offices.

Therefore, we hope that the rest of the members of the Judicial Council will reconsider their actions so far and will demonstrate and prove their professional ethics and morals as members, thus fulfilling their duty to the position they hold and will submit their resignation following the example of his two former colleagues.

At times when trust in the judiciary is at an unenviable low level with a sinking tendency, it is necessary for the Judicial Council of the RNM to regain its legitimacy in accordance with the Constitution of the RNM to be re-staffed as a guardian and guarantor of the autonomy and independence of the judiciary, which will start the process of restoring the trust first of all to the citizens, but also to the judges who report to the Judicial Council of the RNM for their work.
