The roadmap for the implementation of environmental policies has been prepared within the project “Establishment of Efficient and Effective Environmental Justice” implemented by the CPIA, funded by UK Aid through the Government of the United Kingdom.

With  the Analysis of the situation  and  the Document on public policies  in the protection of the environment on the Platform, adopted after extensive discussions, the foundations for the next step, which consists of specifying the methods, instruments and means for the advancement of public environmental policy, legislation and practice, have been created. , on the European and universal standards and norms and the best practices of the EU member states. That step was modeled by the Roadmap for the implementation of environmental policies.

The roadmap contains guidelines for the priority areas on which the public environmental policy should focus, the methods, instruments and means for raising the standards of environmental justice to a higher level, the time-planned activities and the entities for their implementation, the legislative framework for the protection of the right to a healthy life environment and its improvement, instruments and indicators for monitoring the application of laws and instruments for ensuring effective judicial protection of the right to a healthy environment.

Roadmap for the Implementation of Environmental Policies Download
