Trainings on the topic: “Discrimination based on race and ethnicity, hate speech and hate crime with a special focus on discrimination against Roma”
The Center for Legal Research and Analysis in cooperation with the Roma Lawyers Association from Skopje, within the framework of the project ” Equality in Judiciary, Security in Life ” in cooperation with the Faculty of Law at the University “Goce Delcev” – Shtip, conducted two trainings on December 11 and 12 to strengthen students’ knowledge of the topic: “Discrimination based on race and ethnicity, speech on hate speech and hate crime with a special focus on discrimination against Roma”.
The two-day trainings at the Faculty of Law in Shtip were attended by more than 50 law students. The training topics dealt with issues as: Discrimination based on ethnicity, race and color; What is discrimination and how to recognize it; Anti-discrimination procedure before the Commission for the Protection against Discrimination; Discriminatory behavior saves Roma with a practical example; Hate speech and hate crime with a special focus on discrimination against Roma as well as Judicial practice of the European Court of Human in cases related to above mention issues. The training was conducted by prof. Dr. Jovan Ananiev and lawyer Zarko Hadzi-Zafirov.
The goal of the training is to achieve increased awareness, knowledge and sensitization of particularly important group such as the young law students as future judges, public prosecutors and lawyers, through fostering culture of rights that opposes racist hate speech and hate crimetowardsRoma. The topic of the training is closely related to improved access to justice for victims of discrimination as it raises awareness for prejudices and stereotypes and is conductive to reporting cases of discrimination, to preventing future discrimination and to promoting a more equal society despite its diversity. The motto of the this training programis: “Prevention is protection”.
The Center for Legal Research and Analysis and the Roma Lawyers Association in cooperation with the Law Faculties (Law Faculty at UGD – Stip, Faculty of Law at South East European University – Tetovo and Law Faculty “Justinijan Prvi” at St. Cyril and Methodius University) will conduct 4 more training courses for students from the law faculties in Macedonia in the next period.