Within the framework of the project “Effective Justice to Protect the Fundamental Freedoms and Privacy of People in the On-line Space”, financed by the European Union, and implemented by the Center for Legal Research and Analysis and the Macedonian Association of Young Lawyers, a team of experts prepared the analysis of gaps with the title “Gaps and Challenges for Effective Justice for Personal Data Protection and the Right to Privacy”.
This analysis aims to assess the degree of protection of the right to privacy and free disposal of personal data in the judicial sector, that is, whether the Law on Personal Data Protection comprehensively regulates the issues of collection, storage, transfer and processing of personal data, and especially the principles related to the processing of personal data from the aspect of implementation in practice by judicial authorities. At the same time, it provides an assessment of the competence and identification of inconsistencies of the judiciary and the public prosecution in enabling efficient justice for the protection of human rights, the right to privacy and personal data in the digital space.
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