Workshop – presentation of a map for the movement of cases in the criminal justice system – findings and challenges

On 27.10.2023, the Center for Legal Research and Analysis within the project “Continuous and sustainable use of a performance monitoring tool (PMT) in the Public Prosecutor’s System in North Macedonia” organized a workshop “Presentation of a map for the movement of cases in the criminal-justice system – findings and challenges”. The project is a result of continuous financial support from the British Embassy in Skopje.

Lidija Stojkova Zafirovska, president of the CLRA, in her welcome address thanked for the great interest in attending the event. She pointed out that the idea about workshop on this topic arose from the need to present the challenges faced by the justice system in the overall process, starting from the receipt of an application at the public prosecutor’s office and ending with the passing of a verdict, and to find solutions for a faster and more efficient processing of cases in the criminal-justice system.

At the workshop, Chemonics representative Aran McMahon also gave a presentation, expressing his satisfaction for his presence at the event and pointed out the necessity of a thorough elaboration of this topic in order to emphasize but also face the challenges present in the daily operation of all judicial institutions.

Legal expert Zharko Alexov, explained the way in which the map was prepared, that is, he presented the methodology for preparing the analysis and the map in each individual phase in order to successfully locate the problems and make efforts to reduce or remove them.

In addition, professor Gordana Lažetic and lawyer Aleksandar Godzo, concisely presented the findings of the analysis and expressed their views regarding the challenges that arise during the movement of cases in the criminal-justice system, as well as the ways in which they would could be overcome.

По завршувањето на излагањата на говорниците, голем дел од присутните се впуштија во дискусија и споделија дел од проблемите со кои се соочуваат институциите од каде доаѓаат. 
Според нив, мапата и претходно споделените извештаи се добра можност за да се долови каде всушност обвинителството и јавнообвинителскиот систем имаат проблеми и дека токму ваквото мапирање на проблемите може да доведе до нивно решавање.

Since an insufficiently strong criminal report appears as a current problem in the movement of cases in the criminal-justice system, the investigator for financial crime and corruption emphasizes the lack of training on quite current topics in the field of financial crime (crypto currencies, money laundering…), as well as the lack of software that would be helpful in prosecuting such crime. According to him, the lack of access to data, as well as the long period of time that passes during the implementation of bureaucratic procedures, is also an obstacle.
