On July 1st and 2nd of July in Ohrid, the first workshop on accountability, effectiveness and transparency in the judiciary was held within the project “Joint involvement for better performance of the judiciary”.
The project is funded by the European Union, and implemented by the Center for Legal Research and Analysis together with the project partner Institute for Human Rights.
The workshop was attended by judges and court administration from the courts of the appellate region Bitola, along with lawyers and other legal practitioners.
At this two day event, different topics were addressed, such as the status of judges according to international and national legal frames, transparency of the judiciary, building the integrity of judges and the AKMIS system, functionality of the system, the case management as part of interoperability, discipline v. ethical responsibility of judges as segments of the existing process of reforms in the judiciary, efficient internal and external communication of the courts and management of the stress in the profession, organization of work and management of time.
During the event, for each of the subjects a discussion was raised and exchange of know-how and experiences of the present participants were given – judges, judicial administration and advocates, which contributed for identification of certain incompatibilities in the court processes (theory v. practice) which were stressed out by the participants and will be taken into consideration for their additional improvement throughout the activities of the project partners.
The lectures were held by the legal experts Ms. Natasha Gaber-Damjanovska – director of the AJPP, Ms. Gordana Lazetikj – University professor PhD, Ms. Lidija Tanevska – Jadrovska – chief of Cabinet of President of Supreme Court of RNM and Mr. Lazar Nanev – judge of BC Kavadarci.
During the implementation of this project four workshops will follow for the rest of the Appellate areas in North Macedonia.