On November 28 2023, the Center for Legal Research and Analysis presented the collection “Analysis of domestic and international case law – Justice Observers (part II)”. The analysis is a result of the work of 33 prominent lawyers, who in the period from September 2022 to November 2023 for the needs of the website www.justiceobservers.org analyzed a total of 39 judgments, of which 20 are analyzes of judgments from national courts, 15 analyzes of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and 4 analyzes of principled positions of the Supreme Court of the Republic of North Macedonia.
The intention of this collection is to contribute on improving the quality of justice in the Republic of North Macedonia and to bring the legal standards of the ECtHR closer to legal professionals, students of the initial training at the Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors, students of law faculties and all other legal professions and interested citizens who want to get a clearer insight into the arguments of domestic courts and the ECtHR.
This collection is a small part of the successful cooperation of the Center for Legal Research and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Skopje within the project “Supporting the quality and accountability in the Macedonian justice sector”.
Link to: Analysis of domestic and international judicial practice – Justice Observers – part II – Center for Legal Research and Analysis (cpia.mk).