About the Project
On the 1st of May 2020 the Center for legal research and analysis started with realization on the project „ For justice – Monitoring the implementation of the Strategy for Reform of the Justice sector 2020-2021“.
The project is implemented in partnership with the European policy institute, Institute for human rights, Coalition all for fair trial, Macedonian young lawyer’s association (MYLA) and Helsinki committee for human rights. The project is financially supported by the Foundation open society institute-Macedonia.
The general purpose of this project is to increase participation of the civil organizations in the processes of monitoring and advocacy for Judicial Reform in Republic of North Macedonia in the process of accession to the European Union. In essence the purpose is to establish a structured dialogue with the civil organizations in order to enable their participations in the reform processes and politics in the judiciary in the context of the obligations arising from EU accession, furthermore monitoring the quality of the implementation process of the the Strategy for Reform of the Justice sector (2017-2022),as well as improving and increasing the cooperation with the media in order to provide continuous information for the public and citizens about the progress of North Macedonia in the judiciary field, and thus increased recognition of the Blueprint group with the public.
The achievement of the purposes is expected to influence with providing a clear picture of the implementations of the measures from the Strategy and will establish a practice of greater accountability, transparency and professionalism in the work of the holders of judicial power in the country.
The project is implemented for the period from 1st of May until 31st December 2020.

01/05/2020 - 31/12/2020Status: