Within the framework of the project “Establishment of analytical tools for monitoring reforms to support the judicial sector in RNM”, CLRA conducted the second measurement from the Matrix of indicators for reforms in the judiciary.
To obtain a true and realistic picture of the performance of the judiciary, or a specific aspect related to the functioning of the judicial system, this report analyzed 1) the perceptions of relevant target groups (using the Matrix), 2) the legal framework and the relevant reports (domestic and international) that monitor the judiciary and the course of reforms in the judiciary, and 3) data from judicial institutions (courts, the Judicial Council, the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme Court, the Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors, the Association of Judges, etc.) .). In this process, more than 3000 respondents from judicial institutions (judges, judicial service, public prosecutors), lawyers, notaries, executors, state attorneys, mediators, but also natural persons as parties in court proceedings took part.