The judges from the Appellate courts, Supreme court and Administrative courts discussed the conclusions from the public policy papers in order to enhance the situation in judiciary.
The event took place on 12 February in hotel Marriot and was the final event in the process of proposing measures for improving the performances of judiciary, which started with the first national measurement of the performances of the judiciary.
The event was opened by Nikola Jovanovski, program manager of CLRA, who pointed out that for each of noticed issues, CLRA already gives the needed support and in the future such as through establishment of coordinative body, proposing solutions through high courts practice, as well as the beginning of the process of the initiative for Open justice. The conclusions and recommendations were presented through the results of First National Report for measuring the performances in judiciary. Zarko Aleksov, legal expert from CLRA who refer to the aspects of quality and efficiency, noted that the lack of sufficient number of court administration is problem, which has to be solved sooner and the next steps should be directed at the court administration as the crucial element of the courts.
The professor Gordana Lazetikj, highlighted the most urgent issues discussed in each appellate court area by the basic courts. Particular attention was given to the mechanism of orientation court norm, which determine the quality of judicial decisions and complexity of cases, the evaluation and promotion of the judges, the functioning of ACMIS system, the constant deficit of technical and human resources and the financial independence of the judiciary. Also they discussed the key legal provisions, the role of Judicial council of Republic of North Macedonia in ensuring the independence of the judges and the ways of managing the human resources.
The improvement plan which covers the five key areas in the judiciary, contains specific measures and recommendations as well as the timetable for implementation and responsible authority.
The representative of the Ministry of justice Nikola Prokopenko, presented the future commitments and objectives of the Judicial Reform Strategy (2017 -2022) to complement the improvement plan.
The event was organized as part of the program Enhancing the transparency, efficiency and legal certainty in Republic of North Macedonia, supported by the British embassy in Skopje.