Increased transparency of the Constitutional Court

About the Project

In the period of July – November 2017, CLRA implemented the project “Increased transparency of the Constitutional Court” funded by the Programme of the Suisse Embassy Civica Mobilitas.

The project strive to increase transparency in the administration of justice and public awareness on the procedure in front of the Constitutional Court in relation to conducting public hearing with special focus on states’ responsibility on implementing general measures for the execution of judgments of the European Court for Human Rights under the respective violations of the Convention.

Within the project, a research and analysis were conducted in relation to the proceedings in front the Constitutional court upon conducting public hearing, with a special focus on the proceedings related to protection of the freedom of expression and the right to freedom of thought. The main findings and recommendations were presented at a round table involving relevant beneficiaries and stakeholders. Based on the feedback received from the round table, the recommendations and conclusions were finalized, aiming at enhancing the work of the Constitutional Court regarding the execution of judgments of the ECtHR and conducting public hearings.

01/07/2017 - 01/10/2017
Funded by the Programme of the Suisse Embassy Civica Mobilitas.

Project publications